The Emerald Ash Borer will likely kill every untreated ash tree if action is not taken soon. It is already responsible or the destruction of millions of ash trees in North America. This insect will become the most destructive pest in history in terms of actual dollar loss to individuals, businesses and municipalities. It cannot be ignored.
How to identify ash trees
Ash Trees are one of only a few trees with opposing branches. An easy way to remember the main trees with this quality is the acronym, MADhorse (Maple, Ash, Dogwood, Horse Chestnut). Remember, ranches may not always seem opposing if one has died or fallen off. Look for compound leaves (1 leaf, 7 leaflets) and a distinctive bark pattern.
Should you save or remove your ash tree?
Determining the worth of a tree isn’t always easy and in the end, it’s up to you, the homeowner to decide. Treatments are reasonable for trees of high value. If you decide not to treat, you’ll need to determine when to remove the tree. Ash trees become brittle soon after they die and become more difficult and expensive to remove with time. If you need an expert opinion, a Certified Arborist will give you the honest facts.
How to identify Ash Borers and Tree Damage
If you see the D shaped exit holes in the trunk and dead foliage at the top, your tree has probably had EAB for 3 years and treatment may not be an option. Woodpecker damage is common with EAB infestation and trails are visible when bark is pulled back.
How to determine the value of your ash tree
Is it currently healthy? Does it shade y our yard, patio, or home and save on utility bills? Is it in a favorable location, increasing your property and curb value?
What next?
Inspect your trees regularly. If you believe it is infected, do not wait long. Call your Certified Arborist for removal options.
If you believe your tree is healthy but are unsure what to do or, if you are unsure of the state of your tree, call a Certified Arborist for advice.
Arborist Joe Emerald Ash Borer Quick Facts
/in Uncategorized /by adminEMERALD ASH BORER QUICK FACTS
The Emerald Ash Borer will likely kill every untreated ash tree if action is not taken soon. It is already responsible or the destruction of millions of ash trees in North America. This insect will become the most destructive pest in history in terms of actual dollar loss to individuals, businesses and municipalities. It cannot be ignored.
How to identify ash trees
Should you save or remove your ash tree?
Determining the worth of a tree isn’t always easy and in the end, it’s up to you, the homeowner to decide. Treatments are reasonable for trees of high value. If you decide not to treat, you’ll need to determine when to remove the tree. Ash trees become brittle soon after they die and become more difficult and expensive to remove with time. If you need an expert opinion, a Certified Arborist will give you the honest facts.
How to identify Ash Borers and Tree Damage
If you see the D shaped exit holes in the trunk and dead foliage at the top, your tree has probably had EAB for 3 years and treatment may not be an option. Woodpecker damage is common with EAB infestation and trails are visible when bark is pulled back.
How to determine the value of your ash tree
Is it currently healthy? Does it shade y our yard, patio, or home and save on utility bills? Is it in a favorable location, increasing your property and curb value?
What next?
Inspect your trees regularly. If you believe it is infected, do not wait long. Call your Certified Arborist for removal options.
If you believe your tree is healthy but are unsure what to do or, if you are unsure of the state of your tree, call a Certified Arborist for advice.