Why is Stump Grinding Necessary?


The obvious reason to remove a stump is because the tree itself has been removed.

Tree removal happens if a tree is sick, dying and/or dead from infestation, fungus or drought and may harm people or property if it falls.  Often a very healthy tree that is not properly pruned and trimmed may fall in the midst of a rain or snow storm.  Some removals of trees occur when the proximity of the tree to a structure may be damaging the foundation of the home or damaging other buildings, sidewalks, patios or driveways or the tree is in the proximity of new construction and requires removal to accommodate.

Once a tree is removed, there are few reasons to leave the remaining stump unless your property is large, the stump is in a remote location or you simply like the look of the stump.  If you’re perusing this site, you are likely not in that category and here is why:


  • Stumps in and of themselves are not attractive
  • Other plants – most often weeds, begin growing from the stump
  • Stumps are not easy to mow around
  • Stumps will eventually rot, often grow various fungus
  • Stumps take up valuable real estate
  • You may wish to plant grass, or landscape the area in the immediate vicinity of the stump
  • You may wish to have a clean open space


  • Roots can be a tripping or a mower hazard
  • Insects will attack and snakes often take up residence in and around a stump


Roots can continue to grow in an attempt to find nutrients to repair the cut down tree, especially if small shoots attached to the same tree are left intact and the tree was not dead when removed.

  • Roots often grow into underground pipes and water lines where they obstruct and damage
  • Roots take important nutrients from other plants in the vicinity, making them vulnerable to disease and pests
  • Roots often grow upwards in their search, destroying sidewalks, patios, pools and foundations